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Party time is not just at Christmas. Promotional events, awards evenings, fashion shows, celebrations – all are a reason to have a party and this means fun and a lot of atmosphere. Increasingly holding a party involves more than providing plenty of food and drink, it means music, dance and entertainment sometimes on a big scale.

Amid the pressure of finding a venue, organizing the catering, drawing up a guest list and finding suitable entertainers, it can be easy to overlook lighting, audio and visuals. Yet this can be a costly mistake to make. Leaving it to the last minute to order in lighting equipment, sound engineers, plasma screens, dance floors, vision mixers, gobo projectors, led lights can mean that when you eventually get round to it, some items may no longer be available! This is particularly true at busy times such as Christmas and New Year when demand is really high.

Professional DJ’s usually have their own equipment on which to operate, but will need a really good quality PA system in order to ensure that the sound is transmitted clearly throughout the room. A careless choice can cause problems since some PA systems are more suitable to creating background sound, while other systems are more suited to a lively, dance environment. Additionally there is the question of making announcements. Simply asking the DJ to stop the music may not be enough to make yourself heard above the sound of people chatting and having a good time. Shouting always creates a bad impression and besides, it is liable to damage your own voice! Ordering in wireless microphones can make a difference, especially if you are expecting to have several people involved in any short speeches.

Then there are the inevitable glitches that can occur. Equipment breaks down at the most awkward moment, lighting systems fail or microphones refuse to work. Such situations reflect badly on you as the organizer, creating an unprofessional image, and invariably ensure that the party becomes more subdued, and less enjoyable.

Visuals are highly important. Just a little bit of thought can turn the simplest party into a Winter Wonderland or an exotic location. Changing mood lighting throughout the evening can affect the overall mood of the partygoers.

Ensuring that no glitches occur and the maximum Audio Visual effects are obtained is simple – just talk to your AV company as soon as you decide to hold a party. With their help, you can guarantee that the event will definitely be a total success for everyone.

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Picture of Charlotte Brookes
Charlotte Brookes
Charlotte Brookes is a seasoned event production specialist with a passion for creating captivating atmospheres through expert audiovisual coordination. With over 15 years of experience in orchestrating lights and sound, she expertly crafts environments that evoke emotions and make events memorable.