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When planning an event, we usually expect numerous possible outcomes and look forward to achieving them. However, if we just look at a decade ago, we didn’t have many options other than just to have in-person meetups. Well, it is not deniable. It’s one of the best strategies to mingle with people, but sometimes, addressing an audience at a single venue is not possible.

The evolving technology has introduced various solutions to the problems we have been facing. Virtual and hybrid events have been promoted for a long period now as they help to collaborate and associate with in-person interactions. The first one is created on a virtual online platform, and the hybrid events combine elements of both virtual and physical worlds.

As with everything business-related, it’s advantageous to have options and variety. However, it also poses a problem for those in charge of organising and making choices; as we are all aware, the more options there are, the more difficult it is to identify the best one.

While in-person, virtual, and hybrid events have benefits, the main challenge is figuring out which kind of event is suitable based on the provided requirements. Studying the features and benefits of each option and getting to know them all thoroughly is very beneficial.

Virtual or hybrid, which one is better?

Selecting between an in-person, virtual, or hybrid event depends largely on the event you intend to host. For certain events, attendance is ideal. For instance, watching live performances by theatrical groups or musical bands on stage will be more enjoyable if everyone is in the same room. 

Certain events require a stronger emphasis on the in-person components than just performances. Let’s say you’re throwing a party to honour staff members and commemorate a successful year for your company. If that is the case, attendees will probably want to be present in person to partake in food and beverages, witness the award presentations, and possibly bust out some moves on the dance floor. 

However, remember that a hybrid option can still help you reach those who cannot attend in person, even for such events. Ultimately, the Oscars can be considered a hybrid event! Many people attend the red carpet, and even more are watching from home. Put differently, a hybrid event will let you accommodate those unable to attend in person while still providing some of the benefits of an in-person gathering.

What’s virtual eventing? 

The way corporate activities are organised has changed dramatically due to the advancement of 3D technology, mobile devices, and computers. Virtual events offer a platform for online communication where participants can interact in a virtual world that eliminates all physical constraints.

They have developed into extremely valuable tools for businesses that have representatives spread across multiple regions, need many attendees, or have remote workers.

It has countless applications, including webcasts, online conferences, webinars, video conferences, virtual training exercises, and team-building exercises. It basically involves converting all of the conventional formats to a virtual environment.

Its benefits continue, though. With the ability to connect hundreds of people at once from their mobile devices and allow voice and movement interaction, virtual worlds are unquestionably the way of the future for online events.

Online avatars, which can mimic each participant and even replicate their physical appearance with remarkable reality, have made this possible. They also enable a variety of situations in which they can effectively interact and communicate.

What advantages does it serve? 

Virtual events offer a variety of advantages. It has countless applications, including webcasts, online conferences, webinars, video conferences, virtual training exercises, and team-building exercises. It basically involves converting all of the conventional formats to a virtual environment.

Reach virtual events are making

A lot of businesses are prioritising full-fledged marketing platforms over revenue. For instance, Microsoft charged £1889 for the opportunity to attend an in-person conference that drew 6,000 attendees in 2019. The Event Leadership Institute reports that in 2020, Microsoft provided free virtual attendance for the event, drawing close to 200,000 attendees. An in-person event would have been a different impressive marketing platform than the drastic reach increase at a fraction of the cost. For established programs, the transition from in-person to virtual events has often resulted in a 30% increase in participation, though only some have experienced such sharp increases in attendance.

Let’s just have a look at hybrid events!

Hybrid events offer two-in-one experiences. The idea is for attendees to engage with one another without physical barriers, enhancing in-person events with the perfect touch of the digital world.

Attending lectures, conferences, workshops, or any event activity in person and virtually is possible during a hybrid event. This is accomplished by setting up a virtual environment replicating the real event or streaming a traditional event live online.

The hybrid events combine the services of online events and humanly in-person interaction. Whereas there are various advantages associated with this type of event, however, you cannot blind eye the cons. Planning any hybrid event is not so easy as you have to bring online and in-person attendees on one page. Not to forget the multiple logistics you have to invest in.

The critical elements of hybrid events: 

In order to succeed, hybrid events require a well-thought-out plan and strategy. For instance, they have to specify each activity’s precise start and end times. It is necessary because attendees hope to gain something from the event. Throughout the event, timely execution is essential to maintaining attendees’ interest and satisfaction. Furthermore, a few basic elements guarantee the success of a hybrid event, such as organising and tactics, technology and equipment, and content creation.

Difference between hybrid and virtual events

A live event entirely webcast is called a virtual event. A live online event with a physical component is called a hybrid event. Both kinds of events can have remote presenters, and both types of attendees log in from computers at home or at work.

But the two differ significantly in the following ways:

  • All presentations at a virtual event happen online via web conferencing software.
  • A hybrid event consists of on-site and online presentations delivered via web conferencing software.
  • Due to the lack of constraints on seating arrangements, virtual audiences have the potential to surpass those of traditional room-based audiences in size.
  • In addition to utilizing the ease of an online platform for keynote addresses and breakout sessions. Additionally, other content that needs to be shared throughout the conference hybrid events enables attendees to engage in person.
  • People who might not normally travel because of financial or geographic limitations can also take advantage of opportunities. However, they would not otherwise be able to attend, thanks to hybrid events.

Equipment you require

Participants in virtual events are not physically present for the event itself; they require less equipment than those in hybrid events. This implies that absolutely no chairs or tables will be necessary! Additionally, it means that video conferencing tools are an alternative to large screens and projectors. Which saves both space and the cost of renting equipment.

Unlike virtual events with no physical attendees, hybrid events heavily rely on in-person and remote participation. The main component is Internet connections like WiFi or 4G, which are cellular signals, that enable each attendee to access through laptops, computers, tablets, etc. This requires more technical expertise than most businesses have on staff. However, working with a provider like EMS Events is an invaluable resource.

Final words 

Concluding which type of event is better than the other one is not so easy. In fact, there are numerous factors that you might need to consider. Including who’s attending the event, what the event’s format is, or the budget you are willing to spend. You should increase your budget if you are looking forward to arranging a hybrid event. 

It requires more resources than a simple virtual event. Although, no doubt, it is best if your priority is to engage and mingle with your audience. There’s no legitimate conclusion as to which type of event is better. However, it all depends on the event requirements, whether virtual or hybrid. EMS Event production helps you to create the best opportunities for your attendees to learn and enjoy.

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Picture of Charlotte Brookes
Charlotte Brookes
Charlotte Brookes is a seasoned event production specialist with a passion for creating captivating atmospheres through expert audiovisual coordination. With over 15 years of experience in orchestrating lights and sound, she expertly crafts environments that evoke emotions and make events memorable.